A Word From The Author

Self-published author of two novels, I love to write. I enjoy creating lasting stories that take hold of a reader and take them on an adventure. I have also written 50+ articles for different gaming websites.

I have a keen interest in the gaming industry studying Game Design at West Herts College graduating with a triple Distinction. I have a lot of fun creating level designs and coming up with out-of-the-box ideas to help make gameplay more enjoyable.

Joshua Stevens Shachar
Author, Journalist and Game Designer.

New Release

Adam Tideborne and the Greatsword Of War

Adam Tideborne grew up on a polluted Earth shattered by the Endless War, but now he’s seventeen nobody can stop him from going through the holy portal into Elysium. A colourful unexplored world where magic and mythical animals, once thought to only exist in stories, thrive.

The First book of Joshua Stevens Shachar’s Tideborne saga is out now and available in digital or paperback editions

Complete Collection

Check out all of Joshua's work

There’s a range of books and gaming articles to check out, with more added over the course of the year including the highly anticipated sequel to Adam Tideborne and the Greatsword Of War.

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